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July 2009

Posted: July 27, 2009 in 娛樂
July 26
Classmates reunion
Met with the classmates from university at Nikky’s home. We arrived on time since the pizzas were just arrived and hot. However, seeing classmates are more exciting.
Everyone talked with excitement, laughed so much and outloud.Nikky and Kelvin’s two kids had to tune up the TV and even standed in front of the speaker to hear better.
Our laughters and voices for sure were so loud. Moh was having headache for our noises.  However, we couldn’t control. Talked about old stuff we did in the past and
new stuff that updated everyone’s status, gossips.. Maybe we are getting old because we even don’t remember some classmates’ names. In 20 years, many things can change.
Most of us change our shapes. A few still keep their shape. Most of them get married and with new family members now. Some of them still are singles.
However, when we talked, we realized that all of us didn’t change too much. We all got the same memory at that time.
Mini and her policeman husband with their six month smiley baby boy. They have couple face.
The extra person is a teacher in junior college, a father of 9 month baby girl. He enjoyed beer that day since his wife was not there
and she doesn’t like him drinking at all.
Her quote is "don’t you wanna spend more time with your daughter?" this sentence was the punchline of the day.
我則喝了近50ml 46%的Ouzo(is a strong aniseed-flavored alcoholic drink that is made in Greece)

Ouzo in Greece. It is similar to pastis (France), Sambuca (Italy), mastika (Chios), raki (Turkey), and arak (Middle East and North Africa) and 八角酒(Taiwan)!.
Kelvin拿出來要請Moh喝的 I drank most of it. Moh said in Iraq they drink it like we drink 高梁 here
The original Ouzo is transparent color but add double water and ice becomes like milk so they call it "Lion’s milk"!
The frist time I tried anís was in Spain. We went hiking near by a small village with only 20 residents.  After hiked, we went to a bar for food and drink.
The host was so hospitality and brought us his homemade anís  They said it was with 93% alcohol. I tried it of course. Honestly, I only tasted spicy and hot.
Kelvin gave me one for take out. Nice!
Say cheese, 西瓜甜不甜? ….
Thanks to Nikky and Kelvin’s hosptality. It was pity we had to leave early becuase who knows if we are going to see each other again or when the next  reunion would be.
July 18th
Motel night and Pick up Brother
Left the gym, had dinner at the halal beef noodle shop. The flavor tastes really different from the rest. In the beginning, I disliked it. Then, I asked for soup refilled.
Not bad, but a bit pricy for a bowl of beef noodles. Then, we left for the motel in TaoYuan.
The second time to go to the same motel.  This time we stayed in another room. We were not so surprised like the frist time. We enjoyed two movies and the jacuzzi with
milky bubble bath. The porn were all Japanese that day…looked so boring. The Motel is really very fancy and luxury but only nicer to rest for a few hours instead of staying overnight.
It was so tiring.. Anyway the second day we took about 15mins to get to the airport and picked brother up. He was on his way to Japan for a meeting.
We took him for haircut and food, chatting until we dropped him again at the airport.
If I would go to this motel again, hell no, twice is enough. However, it is a truely nice motel I would recommand. 
Spanish Food Restaurant
That night we were supposed to go for Indian food, but I didn’t like the feeling whlie we already sat inside the Indian restaurant.
What the website said, they didn’t offer and come to the same way.  Like cheating!  It was over pricing and felt so bad like being fooled. Then we left.
By accident,  we found the place.  When you walked in, you would like the decoration. It got the Spanish taste that you would think you were at one of the restaurants in Spain.
However, the food were not that similar.. I only like the Paella dish. 

Maybe I would go one more time with friends. Tapas are for friends to get together, drinking, talking and eating.


Posted: June 20, 2009 in 娛樂
June 14th, 2009
選擇這家的原因是我們剛好去桃園 加上他們的促銷 3600可以住兩晚且又是票選第一
一切都覺得很奇妙 車子開進車庫 拉下鐵門就是兩人世界 好像回到自己的秘密基地 走進去房間 第一個感覺就是好大
拿起相機忍不住開始拍 有Osim按摩椅 42吋的大電視 好多台重點是有Porn channel 還有DVD電影可以選擇 只有12小時 一開始覺得時間好像很多 可是卻發現仍不夠
可以擠進兩人的按摩浴缸 且邊享受泡泡浴 邊看前面的電視(共2台電視)烤箱 還有SPA 重點是提供很多零嘴 這個是一般飯店沒有的(要付費)
我們的想法是 天呀!Motel簡直比Hotel 還高級呢!只是床畢竟還是太小 果然大家都是去那QK非住宿
第一次的Motel行 還真的是很特別!
重點是下次去當然要選擇不一樣的風格 很期待呢!

Japanese Food

Posted: June 20, 2009 in 飲食
June 13, 2009
說到這家餐廳是在飯店裡 其實真的沒什麼特別 但是它的廁所很酷 自動門
第二道菜-和風沙拉 我很喜歡清爽
第七道菜-3個壽司 其中一個是山藥口味 Moh咬一口吐了出來 我也覺得挺噁心但還是吞了下去
我若告訴你這頓飯多少錢 你應該也會努力吞下去!
湯上甜點前的最後一道 蛤仔還挺鮮美大顆的!
這樣的組合 每人要1560  真得是道地的日本料理 非常精緻 最後我們去TaiMall走一走 Moh忍不住又買了個
Subway來吃  我是肚子飽了但腦袋沒飽 我想我們兩個是不會花這樣的錢去吃這麼精緻的料理! It is truly not our type of food!

Company trip 2009

Posted: June 20, 2009 in 旅行
June 6 & 7, 2009
We went on a trip with Moh’s company to middle Taiwan. The first stop we went to a place for river hike.
The river was not clear because the day before was heavy rain. Before we went on the river hike, we were doing some activities.
看三個老外跳竹竿舞 三個都非常的笨拙! 很好笑!
別看他們看起來好像很威武 一開始還輸掉呢!
Anyway, after the lunch we went for the river hike. Thank god we wore nice shoes for the hike.  After the hike, they prepared BBQ chicken.
Then we headed for the hotel–泰雅渡假村的泰雅皇宮
Photo with Moh’s coworkers
Night view of the hotel
There are some rides in this spot. However, all of them are not so exciting.  We walked around before the dinner. 
After the dinner, there was a aboriginal dance show. We didn’t pay attention to it too much.
Moh brought a bottle of Gin and 7-up. That night, we sat near by the outdoor spa area, chatting, eating chips with Gin tonic.
All of them enjoyed it. Sz’s wife and I were enjoying the spa.  The spa closed at 11pm. After then, there was no one there only us.
Therefore, Moh and Dennis decided to jump in enjoying the spa. They felt they were the king at that moment.
The second day, we went to Xito. It is famous for its bamboo forest.  I was there more than 10 years ago. I felt it doesn’t change too much.
We walked around. One thing new is the bridge hanging between trees.  It didn’t impress me too much because I’ve been to the one in Malaysia in the rain forest.
Photo with Moh’s coworkers
Photo with Dennis & his daughter Melissa
Forest bridge
On this trip, we went to Puli winery. It was the third time for Moh to go there in three years.  He felt so bored there.
Anyway, they also brought us to a Money God temple for people who wanna borrow money from the God to do some business.
They said the God will help and after you earn the money, you have to pay back to the God.
I really had no idea so we just walked around.  The dinner that night was not so good but it was great finally we could sleep at our own bed.
After all, home sweet home still is the best place in the world.

Moh’s birthday!

Posted: May 29, 2009 in Food and drink
May 22
Moh回家時帶了一束鮮花 說是辦公室秘密情人送的生日禮物!  
然後沒買到蛋糕 他想吃好事多的德國蛋糕好久 只是最近去都沒看到 下班後跑去另一家 結果還是沒買到!
我於是趁機跑出去晃過好幾家西點店 最後在85C找到一款他會喜歡的蛋糕 想說要在今晚12點過後
請家人一起幫他切蛋糕…給他一個驚喜! 可惜呢!大夥似乎特別累 還沒午夜就都睡著囉!

May 23
午餐由老公煮 Biryani Lamb(這次非常成功!Look and Taste all great!) 我則負責做沙拉!(也不賴囉!)

這一整盤 我們兩個吃光光!

我做的沙拉! 最後剩下的也被妹及她男友吃光!


沒去過 看到網友們的推薦 於是決定讓他擁有個中東味的生日也不錯!
還挺喜歡他們用布幕隔間 感覺有自己的空間還不賴!
我們點了套雙人套餐不含水煙 因我在約旦就試過囉! 且我倆都是Non-smoker
對這玩意倒沒特別哈! 不知食物不怎樣還是其實午餐飽到當時 送上的食物不怎樣囉!
9:30-10:30 舞者進場! 覺得很像另類西哈風的肚皮舞!
她聽到Moh的呼喚 所以就跑過來一會兒! 被細心照料的狗果然是不一樣!
因有最低消 我又點了一杯Mojito! 好貴的一杯 380 卻不怎樣!
Moh說他看到調酒師邊看書邊調的 真誇張!

那晚離開時快午夜 就這麼結束完Moh的生日!

“Deaflympic” Parade

Posted: May 20, 2009 in 娛樂
2009.May 16th
在前往健身房途中 發現忠孝東路被警察給圍住 整條路清空 原來是為聽障奧運遊行開路
一開始一群拉風的重型機車當前導車 呼嘯進入 好帥囉!
這些應該是電玩裡的人物還是布袋戲? 這兩者都是我不熟悉的  還有三太子遊街呢!

跟大會吉祥物合影 這麼熱的天氣 穿上這毛茸茸的道具真是辛苦啦!


忍不住 Moh也決定合影留念!




這是個意外的小小插曲 為我倆這個一般性週末 只是前往運動途中 帶來一點點額外特別的驚喜!


Posted: May 4, 2009 in 健康
May 2nd
今天天氣很好 最近剛買了安全帽 所以決定去騎腳踏車囉! 完成上次未完成的路段
從家外下坡出發 往基隆河方向前去 沿著基隆河開發的腳踏車道還很多人囉! 不過今天還好!
這個路段很棒可以邊騎邊看風景 有時會聞到菜園濃濃的尿味 這年頭人們還用古老方法
或許這樣比較安全吧!  我們找到上次切錯的路段 發現果然是有步道可以繼續
就這樣一直騎到過五堵 心想我們才騎了快1個半小時 可以繼續騎到汐止沒問題!
結果 糟糕前方沒路囉! 回程發現下回我們得在橋上換到河另一邊去 只好等下回繼續探險囉!
 沒有指標真是困擾 不過有了這個自行車道 真的差很多 至少不需與車爭道 且坡度也都很平緩
因為是沿著河岸建造的 真的很貼心!
回到往家中的最後路段 我投降了 我已沒力囉 只好用牽的爬完最艱困的好漢坡 我想除非是好手才有辦法
挑戰這個坡 此次總共花了近三小時 很累不過好過癮! 也很有成就感囉! 不過屁股真的很痛!
Moh說只要一兩週我們的屁股就會習慣腳踏車的硬度 然後就不會痛
希望如此囉! 也希望下次我們可以一路騎到汐止去囉!

Our life in Feburary 2009!

Posted: February 28, 2009 in 旅行
It’s been a long time not updated what has been going on with our life!
When shall I start….let me see…Maybe I can use flash back way to describe our life recently…
Today is the last day of February 2009.  This month Moh had a business trip to Spain.  Before he left, we celebrated Valentine together.
Like last year, he brought me some flowers. 
We went to Friday restaurant in Miramar and ordered the Valentine set. Honestly, the food was not so good and the kitchenware they used was sucks.
The best part was the weather. It was a very cheerful Friday night sitting outside. You could see some stars and moon with fresh breeze, bubble in the air and some music accompany us with the food. The set came with a free gift- a big glass.  Look nice but not so useful… If you ask me if I would go there
again, the answer is definitely no.  
After the dinner, we went to see a first run movie- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (班傑明的奇幻旅程)  I ordered online the tickets for the first time.
It was cheaper to order through Sinopac credit card.  It was a very nice movie. I was crying and laughing…enjoying so much the movie.
I would say it is a must see movie.   We finished the movie around 3am and headed back home.  This night was great and the second day Moh left for Spain.
On February 1st, we went to 三峽大板根. That was a very nice area.  We enjoyed walking around the forest, lying down the hammock.

After finished the 2hr forest bath, we enjoyed the instant noodle with horn bread and ice cream.  Then, we went to the spa.  We enjoyed very much in the spa. There are so many kinds of spa, hot springs, cold springs..We spent around 3 hours there.  It was a very cheerful day!
On the weekend of Feb. 7, we finally used our first coupon(消費卷)and booked Royal Hotel in ShinZu.  It was not bad. With the coupon, we got afternoon tea for two.

We played ping pong and pool, and then enjoyed the swimming pool with jacuzzi. 

Moh loves pool.
Then we went for dinner.  We stayed at 17th floor and Moh took some nice night view from our window.
However, maybe I had too much coffee so late after dinner.  I didn’t sleep so well that night.  Anyway, the second day we went for breakfast.
This is Moh reading his English newspaper after breakfast. 
Actually the food was nicer than the dinner.  However, some of the food
they didn’t refill in time. In the end, Moh complained to the waiter for that.  They even cooked him a mushroom dish.  However, that dish came after we already were so full.  It was a waste after all.  Anyway, they were just trying to make up.  However, it came too late.
We left the hotel and headed toward the 17km coast line cycling trail.  We brought our bikes all the way there from Keelung.
The day was beautiful without any rain only windy.  We have had so much rain in Keelung since Chinese New Year so it was so nice.
It is pity that our was broken so we didn’t have any photos from that day.  I remember they marked each Km with crab sign.
Crab seats along the way, rainbow   bridges and so many kinds of rental bikes.  It runs very well the bike business there. 
Also the giant windmill.  There is famous for its strong wind.  I have never been so closed to the windmill.  They fly so quickly with the wind.
The trail has not been finished yet. That day we totally rode back and forth about 28KM.  It was a good start  and the trail was very nice.
We had some food near by the seaport in the end of the bike trip. 
I would say that this February has been very enjoyable.  We tried to enjoy our life as much as we can here.
Life with you, Hamodey,  is so happy. 


Posted: September 2, 2008 in 旅行
一切成行只在8/28星期四晚一通電話後 打電話給張三ㄟ厝的張小姐 她說剛好有人退房
幸運的我們決定改期不如撞日 就這個週末去吧!畢竟900元套房真得很難得!
兩人於是決定週五就出發 一早去約旦辦事處辦好老公的簽證
就這樣倉卒成行啦!說真的也來不及設計行程 就邊走邊看囉!
路上肚子餓 看到一個烤肉攤位好多人 於是下車購買 結果發現這個攤位老闆很過分
他看我們是外地來的 還算我們比較貴 買了兩個雞排及一個鯉魚潭名產蝦蚵包花了130元  
光是雞排就五十元 或許他看到老外 所以又順便卡油吧!
後來想想當時應該跟他說 "老闆你的五十元雞排可能在台北賣不出去!"
因為那雞排還真的不好吃 因連肚子餓時吃起來並不怎麼樣 你覺得呢?
我跟老公決定下次絕不會在這樣買東西 且也叫他留車上就好 免的被當冤大頭!
 別當冤大頭 在地的人欺負外地來的 
經過翻山越嶺 終於到達花蓮市 近市區時 竟然看到家樂福 真是厲害!
不妙開始下雨 問張姐 明天是否也是下雨 他說不會啦! 她以為我們會晚點到
房間很雅緻 乾淨 床很軟舒服 神奇的是薄薄的棉被竟然可以頂過冷氣的風
晚上睡起來一點也不覺得冷 當天晚上先梳洗一下 我們就打算出去了解一
下地理環境 訝異的是花蓮大街上的每家店生意看起來很好 星巴克竟然需要排隊買咖啡 太神奇!
很多名產店 只是我們都沒興趣 逛著逛著看到一條好特別的街道
舊鐵道經過 現已鋪上人行專 車輛不可進去 很多小攤販擺攤 周邊則是很多餐廳 入口則有大理石藝術品
原本有拍照 不小心被我刪除了
回住宿地方 看到張小姐在客廳喝啤酒 就跟他聊起來 他說我們可以考慮搬來花蓮 很棒 這邊也很缺外語老師!
他分享在那的三十年每天都像是度假 每晚總是會與朋友聚ㄧ起 吃飯聊天喝酒唱歌 很隋性
社交生活也是很活耀的 聽起來的確比都市生活有趣些!
星期六一早六點多我就起床 決定自己出去走走順便買早餐 莫名奇妙來到市場 好棒囉 順便買些水果…
準備好 我們出發前往鯉魚潭 想不到路上我們的小笨頭出了點狀況 竟然右前輪又發生過熱煞車過緊現象
出發前才給保養廠看過 真是過份!
總之還好後來問題又莫名消失 老公也知道該怎麼應付 所以我們還是安然回到台北
真擔心我們若得停留花蓮修車 該怎麼辦! 還好後來跟廠長聯繫
終於到了鯉魚潭 也不怎樣就是 只是花蓮太陽真的很大 感覺整個皮膚被曬痛囉!
海洋公園門票很貴 也希望一切值得囉!
我們看了海豚秀 海獅秀 還有飛越海洋秀真的很棒 老公從未看過海豚或海獅秀 他比較喜歡海獅秀
我則很喜歡真人表演的飛躍海洋秀 真的很精采! 很值得
難怪門票收那麼高 若沒看到這個秀 那或許真的太貴 對我們來說 來這裡是個經驗吧 應該不會再去第二次! 
海豚表演 海獅表演 人的表演 還是人厲害!
海盜船倒是挺刺激的 還有園內的卡通造景很漂亮 園內並沒什麼可吃的 且都很貴
120元的冰淇淋倒是還不錯吃! 讓熱氣消一下囉!
玩了最後一個設施 獨木舟衝下水 濺上的水花 降低身體的熱氣真好! 終於覺得該是離開的時候了!
回飯店前我們打算先去七星潭走走 一路上問人才找到ㄏㄏ
一片漆黑看不到海 只看到白色的浪花 不甘心我們決定讓腳濕ㄧ下 走入海浪中 
沒想到我被一個突然的猛浪嚇一跳 當時覺得那鼓浪即將淹滅我們
我想所謂的瘋狗浪應該就是這樣吧!  後來我就遠離海浪 只站著遠遠的 最後我們打算回去了
老公覺得不能游泳的海邊很無趣! 其實七星潭在黃昏很美
聽說日初也很棒 雖這次到這邊很晚 對我來說跟上次不同感覺倒也是值得了
當時還有很多人在那邊乘涼聊天跑步騎單車 感覺花蓮人很喜歡運動 真不錯!
當天晚上我們跑去KFC吃 老公說他上次是一年前吃的ㄏㄏ 回房前我們趕在軍公教關門前
火速買了明天到太魯閣的午餐 還買了一碗泡麵 兩人吃那碗泡麵
說真的比昨夜吃的那碗當地有名的餛飩湯好吃多了 那間聽說已經營三代 總是客滿 於是好奇去吃吃看
結果說真的一碗六十元的湯還真不怎樣! 吃經驗的囉!
星期天是這趟旅行的主要行程 太魯閣國家公園! 以前去過很多次 但總是跟著人去
所以也沒留心到底怎麼去? 去哪? 所幸有旅遊中心可以詢問囉!
第一站停留布洛灣 然後到燕子口 九曲洞 天祥… 我們到慈母橋旁已經是快兩點
於是看到旁邊的涼亭打算去那午餐好了 爬上那才發現涼亭竟沒有桌椅只好席地而坐
因是大理石地板很乾淨 於是我們就入境隨俗吃起我們的鮪魚沙丁魚罐頭配小黃瓜番茄吐司囉!
飯後加上蘋果還真不賴! 於是我們靠牆躺著休息 最後甚至躺到地板上 仰望週遭的山群及流水 真是太棒了!
這真是個很棒的午餐地點 可比擬高級餐廳呢!
老公愛上他的沙丁魚罐頭 跟我說 午餐也可以只帶那個跟白飯他就可以很滿足 
還真好養是吧!其實他是很挑剔的 不過只要是他喜歡的倒是很容易解決!
最後天祥停留一下 我們就打道回基隆了!
不妙,五號高速公路雪山隧道前塞車長達4K… 但又不想走海線 只好繼續開 
我們決定若還是塞車 我們就先下礁溪休息一下吃晚餐泡腳囉!
於是我們最後真的到礁溪去了 去年結婚周年我們到礁溪去 所以還蠻熟的 
沒想到當時住的飯店已收起來了 看來好像被旁邊的那家給併購了
我想吃ShabuShabu  但老公說太熱  於是我們找了家可以吃牛排及火鍋的 
於是老公吃牛排 我喝穌皮湯及沙拉囉!後來跑去公園的公共泡腳區  很棒免費的 
很熱很舒服!似乎不只遊客  連當地人都在那邊享受呢!
看來若住在這 每天晚上晚餐後都可以來泡腳也是不錯囉!絕對比呆家中看電視好些!
九點多該回去了 沒想到繼續塞  也得走啦!先上再說 果然雪山隧道內的速度只有30左右 
整個隧道內溫度好高 真是恐怖 我想下次絕不想周日晚上經過這邊了
畢竟很危險 有一輛車在進隧道前就溫度過高路邊休息了 幸好他是外面就發生 
這躺旅行還是一樣的棒 因我有最棒的同伴一路隨行囉!