2nd Anniversary

Posted: August 20, 2008 in 天長地久
We didn’t plan to do anything for today but we all decided to enjoy the day. We went to a new restaurant for lunch. It was not bad but I ate too much and felt too full.
The special for the restaurant is that they have a stone oven to bake the pizzas. They offer 10 set of food for you to eat. You just need to sit there and they bring you the food.
All you can eat and all drinks, desserts, pizza, pasta are welcome to refill anyime.  Well, it was a special experience but I wonder if I would try it next time.  
Then we went to Mirarmar for Ferris Wheel for the frist time. Before taking the ride, we went for a movie. It was our first time to see a movie there. We chose Mummy 3 and it was 
a nice movie to watch on a big screen. Moh likes the sound system and I like the wide space. Then we bought the Ferris’ tickets and waited for almost an hour to get on the transparent one.
It was not bad experience. However, I won’t try it again.  It is just an experience thing.  Both of us enjoyed our day and it was just anther special day in our life.

My Valentine’s Lily

Posted: August 7, 2008 in 天長地久

Today I was late for home. I thought my husband would be earlier than me. However, while I got home, his car was not here yet.  He must be in the office still.  Half an hour later, he came in with a bouquet of yellow lily for me..Wow! I was touched… Honestly, I didn’t expect this.  He is so sweet indeed.  This is the first time I received flowers for Valentines’ Day and my first time was from my husband. Very meaningful! The first sentence I said was "Siao Ye" (My thinking is that flowers are so expensive in special days. Besides they only leave for a few days. No need to waste money.) I think my practical thinking really pour water on his head. He went to different places to find them so this is truly the part that moves me. It is not how much the flowers but how much efforts he has done makes this surprise even more touching..Thanks, Hamodey, I love you so much! After dinner, we put them in a glass vase.  They just look so nice with our tiny room.  I decided to take photos for this special moment. Otherwise, soon they will all be gone.

Then just can’t wait to check what the lily mean exactly.  Followings are what I found:


種類           花語含意

白百合       象徵百年好合、偉大的愛 ( 香水百合:花語︰偉大的愛 )

粉百合       象徵清純、高雅

黃百合       象徵財富、高貴







因此世人 認為百合花為純潔清新之意的代表。

Chinese New Year (Rat)!

Posted: February 20, 2008 in Uncategorized

The Chinese New Year’s Eve
This year there were eight members in our family getting together for reunion-four adults and four kids.
Mom prepared 12 dishes and they all tasted great and so yummy.
We finished all the dishes even the fish.

After the dinner, we sat in the living room, playing cards, watching TV, and playing the crackers.
Moh was in charge of those crackers with the kids to make sure the safety.
The kids all got the red envelop as well as Mom. Definitely it is happy time for kids and seniors


Then, Yu’s family came home for reunion. The little baby is the youngest among five kids. She is still little so couldn’t yell and play with the rest kids.The whole room was so noisy with the laughters, chating, and crackers. Meanwhile we were drinking cocktails. Moh made a big jar of cocktails for everyone. It tasted so good and so easy to drink more. Later on, everyone was a bit tipsy. It was a very cold night but with the alcohol warming up the body did kick out the cill feeling. I love you guys!


Posted: January 3, 2008 in 娛樂
2007年12月31日 豬年最後一天

每個人都在談論去哪跨年? 我壓根不想去跟大家擠 曾經有次參加台北市政府前的跨年活動 讓我印象深刻決定以後絕不在跨年時參加這樣的集會

於是我們決定在家跨年—媽媽跟她朋友很新潮 跑去基隆辦的跨年活動  在長榮桂冠對面港邊’廣場辦 九點多因太冷就回來囉! 她拿回一些遊戲光碟贈品及一個發光頭圈給韋婷 我跟老公則是跑去東帝士買東西 因天氣太冷 所以決定需要比較烈的酒驅寒 買了伏特加及龍舌蘭酒及一些果汁檸檬還有雞心和洋芋片 順便買雞心 老公做的雞心 很好吃  後來小妹也加入一起喝酒聊天行列 媽媽於是在半醉下又端上了兩盤花椰菜 還烤了鮭魚 全部一掃而空 外甥女韋婷則喝果汁 她也到一點多才睡 我跟她說 她新年新希望可能是可以晚點睡ㄏㄏ在倒數計時前 我開始傳發簡訊 也收到一些有趣的簡訊 其中妹傳來的是最爆笑的

"蝦蜜啊!我都學會爬煙囪怎又要倒鼠! 妳準備好了嗎? 54321….別忘了許下新年新希望喔!願妳擺脫事不順的煩惱新尼塊嘍! "

今年101煙火還不錯! 不過在電視機前看的感覺畢竟不夠真實囉! 但是想到若去現場 那還真是瘋狂 捷運因此24小時不停擺 輸送這些跨年族回家 這麼冷 還是呆在家中看電視跨年就好了 已沒年少輕狂那股傻勁了! 在家看著全台的轉播也不錯 媽媽的評語才好笑 怎麼都請這些唱歌 然後唱那些奇怪的歌ㄏㄏ 我跟她說 那就是現在流行的呀! 唱的越聽不懂越紅! 像周董的歌不就是這樣嗎? 我朋友傳來簡訊似乎很合適當下這個感覺

"甩開去年的不如意 擁抱新的未來 隨著煙火璀璨 期許每一天都美如火花 在倒數時刻內心吶喊! 我親愛的朋友家人新年快樂 一定要幸福ㄜ!"

2008年元旦大家起得晚 下午媽媽跟朋友去金山洗溫泉 韋婷一直說要跟著去 因她好想泡溫泉 於是她就跟著媽不放

很怕媽不讓她去 自己衣服穿好 我幫她綁頭髮 拿著浴巾就跟著媽旁邊轉 看她是真得非常想去 媽也覺得好笑 就讓她一起去

我跟老公 下午繞個清閒 晚上他們仍未回來 我們跑出去廟口想找冰淇淋吃 找來找去最後只好買麥當勞的

天冷 吃冰似乎是件爽事ㄏㄏ 元旦大約就這麼過了! 鼠年來到 又是新的一年 無論如何總覺很開心!



今可珞休假 邀大家一起去吃韓國料理 基隆新開一家叫明洞 點了一個韓式年糕炒甜不辣及羊肉鍋巴飯 老公說這兩道的味道讓他想起家鄉菜

小菜還不錯吃! 最特別是人蔘雞湯 雞骨頭整個好碎 入口即化 感覺好像是吃雞餅乾吧!

妹妹們剛從韓國玩回來 似乎一猶未盡的想著韓國的一切 去Costco也是如此 買了韓國泡菜 今晚由妹男友GARY買單

後來我們跑去長榮桂冠喝咖啡 19F玻璃櫥窗望向外面的風景的確很美 咖啡還不錯喝 老公本想點個蛋糕做餐後點心 看到MENU就倒胃口

蛋糕只有三種 而每片價格竟是250元 真是口口珍貴呀! 看來五星級的蛋糕價位的確嚇人 難怪85度C標榜五星級蛋糕 平價消費會那麼熱門

如雨後春筍般的開 跟星巴克拼了! 不過咖啡倒不怎麼樣就是了!


Posted: January 2, 2008 in 旅行
2007年12月30日 天氣極度寒冷 老公問我 去哪最冷 我們就去那ㄦ 我說去高的地方囉! 離我們最近的選擇 不是汐止大尖山上 就是九份基隆山
結果我選擇後者 因已是下午 九份越晚氣份越好囉! 於是我兩全副武裝 從頭包到尾 不讓一思冷空氣進入身體密封式的包裹 畢竟騎著電動鐵馬
那種極低溫度 是個極度挑戰! 一路還挺順暢 直到入九份開始塞車 想不到今天竟這麼多人來到此地 看來每個人都有著相同想法 不約而同來到這個
山城!於是我們停好車 準備開始往上爬! 對我而言 我已不知幾此登上基隆山 到不是什麼困難度高的山 不過一路上的階梯是讓很多人吃不消的!
老公爬著爬著 遇到涼亭他就一定去坐一下 覺得很好笑! 不過可以體會!
想不到我們這樣爬爬停停 也花了近40分鐘才登上頂 一路上我得安慰他說就快到了! 爬上這階就是了! ㄏㄏ
登頂時風景還不錯 很多人留言刻字在木頭上 我們則拍照留念 然後我內心有個聲音 似乎老公也聽見 所以他就以行動表示囉!
來個高山之吻 似乎不錯!  後來他說他還想做一件事 像狗狗一樣留下記號囉!
我們呆了一陣子 我已覺得好冷 吃完所有備糧 (芭樂 巧克力 人蔘糖) 開始覺得冷意上身 他似乎意猶未盡 我問他下次還要上來嗎?
可想而知他的答案是不要了 所以他才要呆久一點 享受一下辛苦的代價囉!
我想這次我們終於做了一件不一樣的事 下山後 我們想喝熱湯 於是就逛去老街 滿滿都是人潮 驅走不少寒意 買了他愛吃的花生酥及核桃酥
吃幾樣小吃 我們就打到回府囉! 享受那一股冬天的寒意痛徹心骨 然後回到塭暖的家中!

We were planning to go on this trip on Aug.19th(Chinese Valentines). It was just perfect timing to celebrate our anniversary. However, the typhoon stopped us. Therefore, we postporned to yesterday(Aug. 28th) after checked the weather report for sure would be a sunshine day!

We left home at 8am and got on highway 5 heading to JiaoSi. The weather was great. We passed the Snow mountain tunnel. The exit was right before the toll gate so we missed it and had to pay the toll fee. However, it didn’t ruin our happy mood.

We arrived our hotel at 9am and it was too early to check in. Therefore, we decided to go sightseeing around that area. We went hiking –Paoma Historic Trail the trail was for transport woods before. The total length is 5km on way.We only finished 3K so was 6K for return. On the trail, we can see the whole town view. The weather was cheerful, not so hot for hiking. We were very lucky. We walked through bamboo trees, saw many mountain streams

  and played with water to cool down the feet.    We ended up at this point and walked on the same trail back. On the way, the town was even more beautiful & glittered under the sun.   We were heading that way as Moh pointed the direction. It was easier while getting down the trail. We felt very hungry and so happy to see the entrance of the trail where we parked our car.

Then we decided to enjoy the moment and continued to go on the next tourist pot-WuFengChi Waterfalls. It was noon exactly while we got there. Just grabed an apple to get some energy. There are three levels of this Waterfalls. It is about 5 mins to see the level 1. It was not that obvious and so quick so until we reached the 2nd level, we realized that we passed the level one already. We didn’t have chance to take photos for level one but the level two was fantastic and gorgeous!

On the way to level 3 was a bit tough especially we just hiked for 6kms. However, we believed it would be whileworth to see it.

We were wet already by the strong falling down water on level 3. It was really great to get wet and cool down the heat.


Then we finally checked in our hotel. It is always nicer in the pictures. I was a bit disappointed but we just enjoyed what we got. That is the good point for both of us.  The jacuci tub is just right for the moment to get rid all the tireness of our sore muscle from the hiking. Before went for dinner, we enjoyed the spa, steam room for about an hour. The Sauna was not working but the steam room was the best among the facility. The water was so good because it is hotspring resort area and the water is soft and makes our skin touch so nice. You don’t need to put on a lot of sampoo or body wash and you get a lot of bubble right away. You can feel the difference although the JiaoSi hotspring is no color and no smell. The dinner coupon was NT$200 per each. I ordered a famous hotspring vegetable dish, seafood noodle, BBQ fish and shimp and a restaurant main dish appetizer-raddish pickles. The hotel itself has no restaurant and they has package set with other one near by. Generally speaking, the food was good. However, I think next time we will just pay for the hotel not including the dinner if the hotel even doesn’t have a restaurant.

The great spot of this hotel is the front yard. They set tables just next to the main street so you can see people passing by. We brought our wine( was a gift from Swear. She brought it back from USA), chips(Lays Swiss cheese flavor- Moh said this is the best among Lays), olives and chocolate. It was so cool and the night was so beautiful with cheerful breeze. Many tourist passed by and waving to us. I also enjoyed a cup of coffee from the lobby. It was free! After finished the wine, I felt a bit dizzy but still wanted to ride the bicycle. The hotel offers free bicycle to ride around the town. We were also tired to walk around.

This is a park and you can find the hotsprings area for people to enjoy it with their feet. It was so hot so I felt my head is hot because of the wine and the feet because of the hotspring. However, the heat from the feet awaked my head. The heat just so hot to wake me up from the tipsy status. Then, we went to the GuanGun Statue. It looked like the landmark of this town.

  Then, we went back to hotel and enjoyed the rest of the night…..

Today(Aug.29th) we left the hotel around 12. We were too tried to go hiking and decided we just relax and made the rest trip easy. It was too hot so we lost the feeling. We even didn’t want to walk along the Golden sandy beach on the way. Just stopped and took some photos on the way back. It was terrible to drive on the seacoast highway due of so many crazy truck drivers. They drive their truck like on one on the way and like in a hurry to somewhere. I was so scared. Before arriving home, we stopped for a late lunch- hot pot with AC room. It was great. We were so tired and didn’t want to cook.  It was a great trip. Thanks for Moh’s acompany. He is always the sweetest partner to share the time with. Happy delayed Anniversary! ~ written on 2007. Aug. 29th

See more photos on my MSN space photo album then.

5/27 媽 我及外子參加2007基隆休閒農業園區促銷系列活動─賞梅採梅品嚐桂竹筍風味餐活動
這個活動為推動本市休閒農業促銷活動,輔導本市之時令農特產品─樹梅、桂竹筍產銷品嚐推廣行銷,以現有之資源開創多元化經營共識,全方位提升整體農業行銷規劃,吸引遊客量及增加農民收益;特規劃辦理該項活動,以創造休閒農業新契機。 包含車資 活動及午餐共300元 很值得
但我們很幸運的是當天載我們的遊覽車竟沒冷氣 司機還很理直氣壯 還好在眾人抗議下 回程時 終於讓我們換車
採梅是一種很特別的經驗 只顧邊採邊吃 我想除了吃很多的樹梅 也一起吃很多蜘蛛絲 ㄏㄏ 不過所幸強壯的我並沒異狀
採桂竹筍 ㄏㄏ 我跟MOH只顧照相 對採竹卻沒什興趣 只見老媽很興奮的採還抱怨我們倆不採ㄏㄏ 去吃中飯的途中 領隊們讓我們分散到各車去
因此見我們向偷渡客一樣 蜷伏坐在車板上 不過總比快窒息沒窗戶可開的無冷氣車好太多啦!
午餐每道菜幾乎都有梅子 雖我已吃了很多 但是還是很下飯 飯後與MOH到附近走走消化消化 老媽則很盡興的秀她的撥竹功夫
回程途中 他們帶我們去參觀私人文旦柚農場 走到最高處 四周的風景盡收眼底 感覺很棒 不過真的是太高 媽走到一半放棄
只好給他看照片為樂! 這是個挺值得參加的活動! 很特別的經驗!
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各位 下列文章供大家參考 不管你是客戶還是減重教練 或許你該知道為何心理因素其實是掌控


•Mind Your Food 注意你吃的食物
Ask yourself, "Is my body requesting food or is my mind just craving it?"
Here’s how you can tell the difference, says Jill Fleming, a registered dietitian and author of Thin People Don’t Clean Their Plates. (see below ↓) 專家告訴我們如何去區別?

How to Fight Cravings 如何對抗嘴饞?
Fleming recommends one of the classic strategies: carrying a food journal and writing down everything you eat and why you eat it. You’ll start to notice the times you’re eating when you’re not really hungry. Once you’ve identified your emotional triggers, find alternative activities to eating. If anger sets off cravings, hit a punching bag instead. If boredom brings on hunger pangs, get busy — call a friend or clean a closet. And if stress spurs a hankering for sweets, go for a short walk and get in shape.

紀錄飲食日記 寫下每件你吃的東西 並註明為何吃? 你將開始發現 多少次當你並非很餓卻在進食

一旦你發現你的情緒刺激物 找出替代吃的活動

假如是氣憤引發狂吃 不如打打發氣袋

假如是無聊引起飢餓感 讓自己忙碌吧例如像是打電話給朋友或整理衣櫃

假如是壓力引發對甜食的渴望 那麼就去散步保持身材吧!

協助自己找出嘴饞的原因 可以讓自己輕鬆改變飲食習慣囉 切記:紀錄飲食日記不是為你的減重教練 而是為自己

還有無聊時或嘴饞時 可以打電話給你的減重教練囉!

這就是為何賀寶芙是透過傳銷 專人為客戶服務的原意羅 記得沒打電話給你的教練 是你的損失 因你的減重費用是包含這部份的

沒有個教練在旁的使用者 真的很容易會吃的亂七八糟 最後還是因飲食習慣無法改 導致減重失敗

MV DOULOS 忠僕號來基隆!

Posted: April 23, 2007 in 娛樂
2007 April 22
昨天忠僕號 第一天開放民眾參觀 停放在東4號碼頭 就在長榮桂冠酒店對面
DOULOS是希臘文僕人的意思 建造於1914年 比TITANIC小兩歲 1977年開始環遊世界 為好書共享協會(GBA)傳遞知識
提供救援 帶來希望 她已拜訪一百多國 停靠五百多個港口 船上有三百多位志工來自五十幾個國家..那是個人生很特別的經驗…
昨與老公 外甥女及小馬一起 在外排了一個多小時才終於跨上這搜船 當然場面還是沒賀寶芙任何一個會議來的嚇人 還好等待過程中 這些忠僕號船員們盡力裝扮與民眾合影及即興表演娛樂大家 當然我們不例外也留影做紀念 那個小丑女生來自蘇格蘭 她的大眼鏡很酷 還有來自墨西哥 巴西 加拿大…當然船員志工還有來自台灣的
上船前來個合影留念 進入船艙 滿足一下好奇心 裡面一個裝扮房 讓我們停留照相一會兒 然後等不及跑到靠海的那端 去吹吹海風 看到KEELUNG掛在遠遠山坡上 就是模仿HOLLYWOOD 海軍艦艇停泊岸邊 一切很平靜 幻想自己也是志工一員的生活 ㄏㄏ 很多事是無法只用想像 一定要親身經歷才是最棒的 對這些志工的勇氣 再度獻上我的敬意
5/4有個國際之夜 我一定要前往看看 很多事我們來不及參予 卻可以透過過來人的陳訴讓我們彷彿置身其中 千萬別錯過這個盛會  
相關訊息請參考 忠僕號基隆行程